My six week follow up appointment was pretty uneventful, which is good! Dr. Haas felt the bone in my nose, asked if the odor went away (it did, thank God!), and told me everything looked good. He asked if I liked the way it looks (I do!), the nurse took my picture again, and they told me to call for one more appointment at the 1-year mark. Before I left though, we went through some of the pictures on his laptop... I swear it's like the paparazzi every time I go there. First was my before picture, then there was a picture of the day I got the splint off, and then there was the picture they took of me when I went in to get the odor checked out. And then... OMG. A picture I hadn't seen before and didn't even know was taken. It was a picture of the bone and cartilage that was removed from my nose, held up to a ruler. It was slightly horrifying, yet interesting. I can't remember the exact measurement, but I remember Dr. Haas saying, "You had a pretty big hump on your nose" as he scrolled to the next picture.
Should I call and ask them to email it to me? Would that be a gross thing to post on my blog, or does it go with the territory?